

The Infant program is designed to establish a bond of trust with your baby as well as provide a safe and clean environment. Our teachers work to develop your baby’s cognitive, emotional and physical growth by playing, singing, cuddling and reading with your baby. The Infant room provides a warm, secure and healthy atmosphere for early childhood learning. We have separate areas for changing and feeding, and each baby has their own personal crib. Daily activity reports are provided for you as well as suggestions on how to reinforce what your baby is learning. Our goal is to help each child grow and learn at his or her own rate.

Young Toddlers

The Toddler curriculum addresses the complete needs of a child’s development: intellectual, emotional, social and physical. It stimulates creativity and fosters a positive self-image.

Dramatic play, creative art, simple group games, finger plays, movement and other activities help the children develop concepts and skills as they have fun. The program is flexible enough to allow our teachers to adapt to the individual needs of each child. Along with a safe and loving environment, each child is encouraged to grow and learn at his or her own rate. Daily activity reports are provided for you as well as suggestions on how to reinforce what your toddler is learning.

We serve a healthy hot meal and snacks daily. Breakfast is also available. A rest period follows our mid-day meal. We work very closely with our parents and have an open door policy so feel free to come by and visit us anytime.


The Two’s curriculum focuses on problem solving and small motor skills which are developed through activities involving blocks, puzzles, age-appropriate toys and art projects that promote learning and discovery.

Curriculum includes:

  1. Creative Art
  2. Language activities that include reading, finger plays and Spanish
  3. Math concepts/Science
  4. Music and Movement
  5. Fine and Gross Motor development with custom outdoor play ground
  6. Self-help skills- dressing, eating and toilet training.
  7. Social skills- sharing, problem solving, cooperation and friendships

Daily activity reports are provided for you as well as suggestions on how to reinforce what your toddler is learning. We serve a healthy hot meal and snacks daily. Breakfast is also available. A rest period follows our mid-day meal. We work very closely with our parents and have an open door policy so feel free to come by and visit us anytime.

Preschool- Threes

The curriculum for three year olds addresses the complete needs of a child’s development: intellectual, emotional, social and physical through developmentally appropriate activities. Music, art, manipulatives, dramatic play, science and reading are just a part of our daily schedule. Our program also develops important character traits such as friendships and cooperation, which will prepare them for life long achievement.

Curriculum includes:

  1. Language and Literacy Activities
  2. Math- counting, separating and comparing using a variety of learning materials.
  3. Creative Art- using many mediums of art and music.
  4. Music and Movement
  5. Science- stimulating curiosity through weekly topics and projects
  6. Phonics- sounds of letters, words and beginning reading instruction

A custom outdoor playground helps develop large motor skills. We have an indoor gym that is available for play during inclement weather. We present special programs and entertainment in our elevated state-of-the art theater and auditorium.

We serve a healthy hot meal and a nutritious snack daily. Breakfast is also available.

Pre-K and Kindergarten

The Christian based A Beka Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten program teaches basic reading skills using an intensive phonics approach. Students learn to read with a systematic, step by step reading plan based upon the sounds of each letter. This gives students a solid foundation for developing exceptional reading skill. The program has been highly successful in training your leaders nationwide for more than 50 years.

A positive Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten experience can pave the way for your child’s future success as he or she proceeds through the primary grade.

Children’s Park offers a rich learning, nurturing environment with many opportunities and experiences. We focus academically on reading, writing, math, science and social skills. Our teachers provide a safe, loving and caring environment so that each child will be free to grow and develop a positive self-image.

A custom outdoor playground helps develop large motor skills. We have an indoor gym that is available for play during inclement weather. We present special programs and entertainment in our elevated state-of-the art theater and auditorium. We serve a healthy hot meal and a nutritious snack daily. Breakfast is also available.

During summer months, the swimming pool is a popular place to keep cool. We offer swimming instruction at an additional fee.

School Age Program

During the school year we provide before and after school care for children ages 6-12. Transportation is available to Rockwall ISD schools. Children may be dropped off at 6:30am in order to ride the bus to school. We offer full day activities for after school children during school holidays, in-service days and summer months. A healthy snack is served each day upon returning from school.

We provide a large variety of activities for our school age children. Outdoors they love the professional size soccer goals and playing field. Adjacent to the playground is a basketball court and goal. During inclement weather, our indoor gym offers a place to play large group activities.

During the summer months, the swimming pool is a great way to stay cool. Our I-Pad lab is equipped with the latest games and educational software.

For special events, carefully selected movies or other entertainment, the children gather in our theater/auditorium with elevated seating and a surround sound system.

The summer months and holidays are filled with optional fun, exciting and educational field trips. We serve a healthy hot meal and a nutritious snack daily. Breakfast is also available.

Our dedicated teachers and staff work hard to provide a safe, fun and accepting atmosphere where children can develop a positive self-image and have a great time participating in many different activities. Feel free to come by and visit us anytime.